Thursday, July 17, 2014


Been a while, I know. But I've been writing like a fiend. 

This Summer has been  a wild ride so far. I have two surgeries looming toward the end of it. An oral surgery August 29th and A biggie, a full knee replacement Sept 25th.  

I've made the decision to write book three of the Magarelli Series during recuperation from the knee surgery. So I'll be writing that during October and November.

Right now, I am writing the 2nd book in the Marrok Knight Trilogy. Book one INHERIT THE MOON is going through its first edits.  Book two EMBRACE THE MOON is going along really well, Only been writing on it for two weeks and already 20,000 words into it.

I'm having a book signing at Rowster Coffee on James and Wealthy here in Grand Rapids. I'll post the date for you all when I have it. It's either going to be the 1st or 2nd weekend in August. Katie, my contact, needs to get with the manager and see which on it is.

It's really funny how writing goes. I sat down two weeks ago to write some ideas and an outline for EMBRACE and when I got up from the laptop I had written the prologue and first chapter.

While the first one was set in Romania and you learned the history of the wolf people I've devised.  But this new one is set in my character's home territory in Northwestern Montana. I'm getting to write about two things very close to my heart: werewolves and cowboys.